Logo Design Best specializes in developing and hosting Joomla websites. The internet market has become a battle field, its challenging and if you don’t enter with an interactive website you won’t be in any position to make profits. Our strategy is based around you and your gains, we want you to get the best value for money which is why we make every effort to release high quality, and great value Joomla template web designs which are both easy to use plus include lots of built-in features to help you build a modern and professional website. Your biggest communication tool is your website and with the Joomla silver package you get a complete website that acts as a total marketing platform for your business or brand.
We have served a wide variety of satisfied clients and we take pride in saying that we offer you complete, quality Joomla websites and the personal one to one support given by our support team offers the best value for money, you won’t find anyone who would build, make your web go live and give you support (pre and post development) on the internet today. We also offer you 3 custom logo design concepts, and you can chose the one you like best!
Package Features:

- Joomla CMS with Custom Web Page
- 03 Custom Logo Design Concepts
- 06 Custom Web Pages
- Free Stationery Design (Letterhead, Cards, Envelope)
- Free Search Engine Submission
- Free Consultancy
- 1 Form
- Analytics Integration
- Complete Ownership
- 3 Days Turnaround time (web)
- 3 Days Turnaround time (Logo)